This is a Blossom of the Brain
A small Italic Seed
Lodged by Design or Happening The Spirit fructified

Shy as the Wind of his Chambers, Swift as a Freshet's Tongue
So of the Flower of the Soul It's process is unknown

Emily Dickinson 1830-1886

The Imaginary Herbarium of the Island. A conversation on the threshold.

Our body is the battleground more than ever.
In addition to our biological life cycles, we are experiencing new challenges that put our lives on a constant threshold - in anthropology the threshold is the space where an individual does not belong to her/his past anymore and is waiting for a new social and personal status.
These new patterns are changing the old layout of individuals, families, communities and countries (migration, economical and political instability, ageing population, gender fluidity, etc.)
How does the complexity of these new patterns impact on our body?

Should we re-define the meaning of identity and roots and re-set ourselves?
Is this disorientating time making us more lonely and frail? Is it exciting or exhausting?
Where is home?
I want to explore this journey, our ability to adapt and pay tribute to the human spirit.

I sowed breasts in the garden
For the child I never had, never was, I am
The ages of the nipple - Source: Sir Astley Paston Cooper, 1768-1841

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